Ethics and Integrity

GIZ’s work is only possible thanks to the cooperative, respectful and trust-based relationship we enjoy with the people in our partner countries and with our partner organisations. We earn the trust of our partners by taking a politically and interculturally sensitive approach and observing high ethical standards. 

GIZ promotes a corporate culture of action always based on universal ethical values and principles. Integrity, honesty, respect for human dignity, openness and non-discrimination are at the heart of this culture. We categorically reject corruption and bribery.

Respect and integrity are the cornerstones of a strong and attractive company. They allow GIZ to pursue its vision of shaping a future worth living for people around the world.

GIZ’s ethical principles, values and beliefs are set out in a Code of Ethics. Its purpose is to guide the actions of our own workforce and all those we work with. Additionally, our Code of Conduct includes specific rules designed to prevent corruption and deal with conflicts of interest.